




假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的美国朋友Jim 对北京的历史文化感兴趣。你校暑假期间将为交换生组织“Knowing Beijing” 游览活动,请你写信邀请Jim 来参加。内容包括:

1. 时间安排:2. 活动内容:3. 邀请参加。

注意: 1. 词数不少于50;2. 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用英语写一篇短文向校刊“英语园地” 投稿,记述你班上周组织主题为“平安校园” 法制教育系列活动的全过程。

注意: 词数不少于60。

提示词: 平安校园 Safe Campus 法律意识 legal awareness



Dear Jim,(亲爱的吉姆,)

How is everything going? I have some exciting news for you! This summer holiday, our school will arrange a trip themed “Knowing Beijing” for exchange students on July 1st. Knowing you are intrigued by Chinese history and culture, now I am pleased to tell you more about the trip.(最近怎么样?我有一些令人振奋的消息给您!今年暑假,我们学校将于7月1日为交换生安排一次主题为“了解北京”的旅行。知道您对中国的历史和文化感兴趣,现在,我很高兴向您详细介绍这次旅行。)

There are rich arrangements which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The first stop is the Forbidden City. I believe you must be impressed by the splendid ancient architecture. When walking around, you will be given a vivid introduction about its history. At noon,we’ll leave for a snack street where varieties of foods will be waiting for you to try.The afternoon tour will begin from the Summer Palace. You can take a boat to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the garden and feel free to look around there.In the evening,you will watch a wonderful Beijing Opera which will let you enjoy a real Chinese culture. After the show, you’ll return to the school.(我相信您会充分享受丰富的安排。第一站是故宫。我相信您一定会对灿烂的古老建筑印象深刻。当您四处走走时,您会得到关于它的历史的生动介绍。中午,我们将前往小吃街,那里各种各样的食物正在等待您尝试。下午的游览将从颐和园开始。您可以乘船欣赏花园里美丽的风景,并随时随地环顾四周。晚上,您将欣赏美丽的京剧,让您享受真正的中国文化。演出结束后,您将回到学校。)

I think it is a good chance for you to experience Chinese history and culture by yourself. So don’t miss. If you are willing to participate, please let me know.(我认为这是您亲自体验中国历史和文化的好机会。所以不要错过。如果您愿意参加,请告诉我。)


Li Hua



Last week, my classmates and I participated in a series of activities with the theme “Safe Campus”, which proved to be meaningful and rewarding.(上周,我和我的同学们参加了一系列主题为“安全校园”的活动,事实证明这是有意义和有益的。)

During the class meeting on Monday, our teacher informed us of these activities which were aimed to enhance our understanding of law and raise the legal awareness. At first, our school invited a policeman to deliver a lecture on the basic knowledge of law. Besides the rules of law, he gave us many living examples, which helped us understand the importance of obeying the law and the consequences of breaking the law. After that, with great curiosity, I, together with my classmates, surfed the Internet about law related with teenagers. By doing that, we learned a lot about how to protect ourselves with legal weapons. Next day, when we came to school, a series of display boards about law came into our eyes. We read them very carefully and gained more legal knowledge. At weekend, I chatted with my parents and told them what I had learned. They shared their experience with me and hoped that I could be a law-abiding teenager.(在周一的课堂会议上,我们的老师向我们通报了这些活动,这些活动旨在加深我们对法律的理解并提高法律意识。首先,我们学校邀请一名警察讲授法律基础知识。除了法律规则外,他还给我们提供了许多生动的例子,这有助于我们了解遵守法律的重要性以及违反法律的后果。之后,出于好奇,我和同学一起在互联网上浏览了有关青少年的法律。通过这样做,我们学到了很多有关如何使用法律武器保护自己的知识。第二天,当我们上学时,一系列关于法律的展示板出现在我们眼中。我们非常仔细地阅读了它们,并获得了更多的法律知识。周末,我和父母聊天,告诉他们我学到了什么。)

What meaningful activities! Legal education is necessary for everyone, including students. With the knowledge of law, we can protect our lawful rights and reduce many serious illegal problems. I hope our school can hold more activities like this.(什么有意义的活动!法律教育对所有人(包括学生)都是必要的。有了法律知识,我们就可以保护我们的合法权利并减少许多严重的非法问题。希望我们学校可以举办更多这样的活动。)




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