



The people I respect
Thereare many people respectable around us. The people I respect most is my aunt, acharming woman of medium built, who was born into a rich family and received a good education. Now she is an excellent doctor and specializes in internalmedicine.
As we all know, COVID-19 broke out in March of this year in Wuhan city, which was in urgent need of doctors and nurses.Every one across our country was so frightened at the epidemic that nearly none dared to go to Wuhan city. However, at this crucial moment, it was my aunt that  risked her life to do voluntary work without hesitation, which amazed me so much. I show great respect for her not only because of her courage but also due to her selfless contribution to our homeland. Besides, she doesn't care about money as well as fame but cares for others. Her life attitude also makes a great difference on me.
All in all, my aunt sets a good example for me. And I do learn a lot from her. That's the reason why I respect her most.






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